
FAPESP announces result of call with Czech Science Foundation Versão em português

FAPESP announces the result of the call for proposals launched in 2022 with the Czech Science Foundation (GACR). A project was selected, which will be conducted by researchers from the state of São Paulo and the Czech Republic.

It is the fourth call launched under the cooperation agreement between the institutions.

Proposals for bilateral projects could be submitted in all scientific fields, as long as they are within the scope of basic scientific research. GACR will provide its own budget for the call and FAPESP undertakes to match this funding up to the limit of R$ 150,000 per project, per year, for projects of up to 36 months.

Selected proposal:

A case study on productivity, ocean ventilation and carbonate dissolution from the S-SE Brazilian Margin - insights for marine carbon storage
PI: Karen Badaraco Costa
Host Institution: Instituto Oceanográfico/IO/USP
PI abroad: Filip Scheiner
Institution abroad: Charles University/CU
Processo FAPESP: 2022/03830-3