
FAPESP announces result of call with Universidad de Antioquia Versão em português

Five projects were selected and will be conducted by researchers from the state of São Paulo and the Colombian university.

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Universidad de Antioquia of Colombia (UdeA) announce the resulta of a call for collaborative research proposals launched in 2022, the third call under their cooperation agreement. The call covers all fields of knowledge and aims to promote and strengthen collaboration in basic, applied and innovation-driven research.

Five proposals were selected and will be conducted by researchers affiliated with higher education and research institutions in the state of São Paulo and with the Universidad de Antioquia.

Approved proposals will have FAPESP funding for São Paulo researchers and UdeA funding for their researchers. FAPESP will fund up to R$ 300,000.00 per approved proposal, which must have a planned project duration of up to 24 months.

Selected proposals:

A Probabilistic and Algebraic approach to evolutionary dynamics
FAPESP #: 2022/08948-2
PI: Cristian Favio Coletti
Host Institution: Centro de Matemática, Computação e Cognição/CMCC/UFABC
PI abroad: Leon Alexander Valencia Henao
Institution abroad: Universidad de Antioquia/UDEA

Experimentation: an undisciplinary zone for creation and education
FAPESP #: 2022/08951-3
PI: Marcus Vinicius Fainer Bastos
Host Institution: Faculdade de Filosofia, Comunicação, Letras e Artes/FAFICLA/PUCSP
PI abroad: Paula Andrea Restrepo Hoyos
Institution abroad: Universidad de Antioquia/UDEA

Beyond the standard model in neutrino experiments
FAPESP #: 2022/08954-2
PI: Orlando Luis Goulart Peres
Host Institution: Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin/IFGW/UNICAMP
PI abroad: Diego Alejandro Restrepo Quintero
Institution abroad: Universidad de Antioquia/UDEA

Classical theorems in nonassociative finite dimensional superalgebras
FAPESP #: 2022/08922-3
PI: Ivan Chestakov
Host Instituto de Matemática e Estatística/IME/USP
PI abroad: Faber Alberto Gomez Gonzalez
Institution abroad: Universidad de Antioquia/UDEA

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on two-dimensional Van der Waals heterostructures for visible telecom and sensing applications
FAPESP #: 2022/08932-9
PI: Eunezio Antonio De Souza
Host Institution: Escola de Engenharia/EE/UPM
PI abroad: Juan Diego Zapata Caro
Institution abroad: Universidad de Antioquia/UDEA