Board of Trustees

FAPESP's Board of Trustees Versão em português

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the general direction of the Foundation and the most important decisions on scientific, administrative and financial policy. This board is made up of 12 members, each with a six-year mandate.

Six of these members are freely chosen by the State governor and the reminder are appointed by him from triple lists supplied by the São Paulo state universities, and by public and private teaching and research institutions based in the State of São Paulo.

The president and the vice-president of the Board of Trustees are appointed, for three-year mandates, by the State governor, from triple lists presented by board members. The president of the Board of Trustees is also the president of the Foundation and its legal representative.

FAPESP Board of Trustees members:

Marco Antonio Zago (president)

Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles

Carmino Antonio de Souza

Helena Bonciani Nader

Herman Jacobus Cornelis Voorwald

Marcílio Alves

Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda

Mayana Zatz

Mozart Neves Ramos

Pedro Luiz Barreiros Passos

Pedro Wongtschowski

Thelma Krug

Page updated on 07/13/2024 - Published on 04/07/2003