BIOEN Workshop on Process for Ethanol Production (September 10, 2009) Versão em português

Thursday, September 10 2009, 9:00am - 5:00pm           

The workshop on Process for Ethanol Production has as objective to discuss the state of art and advances in ethanol/biofuels production process.

The event will take place in Fapesp auditorium on September 10th 2009 from 9:00 hs to 17:00 hs with one coffe-breake in the morning and other in the afternoon in the end of the section. One and half hour is reserved to lunch. All the financial support for inviter speakers from Universities from abroad, simultaneous translation and talk material, support services (sound, working sheets etc) are responsibility of the workshop organization (Bioen-Fapesp).

The event is organized to be attended to professionals of the sector, graduate students and people from academia. The event is completely free of any payment.

Each talk should be given in 20 minutes, followed by a period of questions from the audience. The invited companies are Petrobras, Grupo COSAN (the largest Brazilian distillers group) CTC (Center for Sugar Cane Technologies - covering more than 200 Brazilian Distillers), SIEMENS, Dedini Industries (the largest Brazilian company dedicated to ethanol and sugar process equipments), Amyris Biocombustíveis, and DuPont Biofules LA. Researchers from top Brazilian Universities and invited Professors from abroad will complete the speakers group together with researches from Brazilian Center for Ethanol Technology (CTBE). The Keynote lecture will be of 40 minutes with 10 minutes of questions by the audience.

Location: Fapesp auditorium - R. Pio XI, 1500 - Alto da Lapa - São Paulo/SP - Brasil

Register to participate:

Opening Section

  • Dr Rubens Maciel Filho - BIOEN Workgroup Leader on Process Enginneering
  • Dra Glaucia Souza - BIOEN Coordinator
  • Dr Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz- Scientific Director of FAPESP

Morning Session

Keynote Speaker:

9:10 - 9:50 Dr. Lee Lynd. Associate Professor -Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth-USA.

Lectures- 20 min

1-) Dr Marcos de Freitas Sugaya- Petrobras Petróleo Brasileiro S.A

Topic: Biofuels in the Brazilian Scenario

2-) Dr. Wilson Araújo- DuPont Biofules LA

Topic: DuPont Applied Biosciences: Innitiatives on Next Generation Biofuels

3-) Mr. Eduardo Calichman - Grupo COSAN

Topic: Bottlenecks for Industrial High Operational Performance

4-)Dr. Henrique Macedo Baudel- Centro de Tecnologias Canavieira (CTC)

Topic: Suitable Processes for Pretreatment and Hydrolysis of Sugar Cane Bagasse

5-) Dr. Daniel Ibraim Atala-Centro de Tecnologias Canavieira (CTC)

Topic: Fermentation Process Intensification

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Fapesp Hall

Afternoon Session

Keynote Speaker:

14:00 - 14:40 Dr. Justin van Rooyen - Mascoma Corporation

Lectures- 20 min

6-) Dr. Paulo Eduardo Mantelatto - Dedini Industrias de Base

Topic: Process for Molasses Treatment in Industrial Large Scale Plant

7-) Dr. Carlos Vaz Rossell - Centro Brasileiro de Tecnologia em Etanol (CBTE)

Topic: Technological Demands for Higher Generation Process for Ethanol Production

8-) To be defined- SIEMENS

Topic: Monitoring and Advanced Control for Large Scale Ethanol Plant - Issues and Perspectives

9-) Dr. Maria Regina Wolf - Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP

Topic: Advances in Ethanol Purification: Alternatives and Perspectives

10-) Dr. Silvio Roberto Andrietta.- Biocontal- Tecnologia em Bioprocessos

Topic: Optimal Industrial Fermentation

11-) Mr. Jonas Nolasco -Amyris Biocombustíveis Ltda

Topic: Innovation on Biofuels Production