
Getting Post 2010 Biodiversity Targets Right (December 11 to 15, 2010)

Getting Post 2010 Biodiversity Targets Right (December 11 to 15, 2010)

The BIOTA/FAPESP Program, together with the Brazilian Academy of Science/ABC and the Brazilian Society for the Development of Science/SBPC, decided to mark the ending of the International Year of Biodiversity/IYB and the beginning of the International Year of Forests organizing the International Conference Getting Post 2010 Biodiversity Targets Right, aiming to contribute to the establishment new and effectively measurable and scientifically meaningful targets.

The meeting will focus in four main themes:

1) Post 2010 Biodiversity Targets: ecosystem versus evosystem services – to discuss the danger of not having an evolutionary perspective to understand the links between biodiversity and human-well-being, considering ecosystem services only from human utility point of view;

2) National and International Interoperability among Biodiversity Information Systems – in the last decade hundreds of Biodiversity Information Systems have been developed world wide and GBIF represents a major effort to bring together biodiversity data bases, but we have to increase interoperability and data sharing able to use these as a powerful tool to monitor the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures;

3) Metagenomics as a tool to asses micro-biodiversity – an increasingly important dimension of biodiversity that has been, systematically, underestimated and may play a key role in ecosystem functions and therefore in ecosystem services;

4) Impacts of Local & Global Changes on the Atlantic Rain Forest – linking already with the start of the International Year of Forest (2011) focusing in a local problem of international relevance, since the Atlantic Rain Forest is a biodiversity hotspot and the most endangered Brazilian forest.