
FAPESP and CNRS announce results of their call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and CNRS announce results of their call for proposals Ten proposals for researcher exchange between São Paulo state and France were selected under the FAPESP-CNRS call for proposals (photo: CNRS)

As part of their accord on scientific cooperation, the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo Research Foundation) and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, National Center for Scientific Research) announced the list of projects selected for funding under their October 1, 2010 public call for proposals.

Ten proposals for researcher exchange between the state of São Paulo and France were selected for the 2011-2012 period.

The call for proposals for researcher exchange between Brazil and France was open to principal investigators currently supported by FAPESP under one of the following grant mechanisms:  Regular Research Awards; Thematic Project; the Young Researchers in Emerging Centers Program; and the Centers for Research, Innovation and Dissemination (Cepid) Program.

For approved proposals, FAPESP will make funds available to cover airfare, health insurance and living expenses for researchers from the state of São Paulo while they are working in France. Grants awarded as part of this call do not include Technical Reserve funds.

For approved proposals, CNRS will cover the cost of airfare, health insurance, and living expenses for researchers from France working in São Paulo.

Proposals approved under the FAPESP-CNRS call for proposals (no. 13/2010):

Proposal and researchers Project title

Celso Valentim Santilli

Valérie Briois
Combination of time resolved spectroscopic techniques applied to the structural studies of mesoporous ceramics and hybrid organic-inorganic 

Watson LohI

Jean-François Berret
Université Denis Diderot, Paris
Interaction of anionic block copolymers with cationic surfactants and inorganic nanoparticles: structural and thermodynamic characterization


Claudia Marcia A. Carareto

Cristina Vieira
Université de Lyon

Transposable elements evolutionary dynamics and regulaton in populations and species of Drosophila

Marcelo Martinelli

Claude Fabre
Lab. Kastler Brossel
Quantum information processing with continuous variables

Hermes Senger

Luciana Bezerra Arantes
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
SAMPA – Scalability Analysis of Mapreduce Applications


Carlos Augusto Pereira

Renaud Wagner
Ecole Supérieure Biotecnologie de Strasbourg

Expression and purification of recombinant membrane viral glycoprotein for studies of function

Paulo Sergio M. C. de Oliviera

Jérôme Olivel
AgroParisTech, Kourou
Ecological determinants of queen number in the ant Odontomachus hastatus

Vivian Lara dos S. Silva
Zootecnia e Eng. Alimentos/USP

Claude Menard
Université de Paris 1
A puzzling issue in organization theory:  plural forms of governance for similar transactions

José Roberto S. Moreira
Escola Politécnica/USP

Benoit Stutz
Université de Savoie
Experimental study of simultaneous heat and mass transfer process in ammonia-water and lithium bromide-water mixtures for application in absorption refrigeration cycles

Alexandre Nolasco de Carvalho
ICMC São Carlos/USP

Geneviève Raugel
Université de Paris -Sud 11
Qualitative aspects of infinite dimensional dynamical systems