
FAPESP and Academy of Finland announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Academy of Finland announce result of call for proposals Scientists from Brazil and Finland will work together in five research projects on biodiversity photo:BIOTA-FAPESP)

The Academy of Finland (AKA) and the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announce the result of a call for fund joint research projects in biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources issued in 2013 by the institutions.

Scientists from Brazil and Finland will work together in the five research projects on biodiversity that were selected.

The call was focused on six research themes: Biodiversity mapping and environmental monitoring; Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services; Changing landscape/ seascape and biodiversity; Protection of biodiversity versus impact avoidance or biodiversity offsetting; Operational information needs of achieving sustainability; Institutional challenges in achieving sustainability.

Selected proposals:

Pesquisadores  Título do projeto 

Dilce de Fatima Rossetti
Inst. Nacional Pesquisas Espaciais / MCTI

Hanna Marjaana Tuomisto
University of Turku

Mapping Amazonian Biodiversity at Multiple Scales by Integrating Geology and Ecology

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2013/50475-5

Marli de Fatima Fiore
Centro Energia Nuclear Agricultura / USP

Kaarina Sivonen
University of Helsinki

Biodiversity of Cyanobacteria and their Bioactive Compounds from Under-Explored Brazilian Habitats

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2013/50425-8

Tadeu de Siqueira Barros
Inst. Biociências Rio Claro / UNESP

Jani Markus Heino
University of Oulu

Scaling Biodiversity in Tropical and Boreal Streams:Implications for Diversity Mapping and Environmental Assessment (SCALEBIO)

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2013/50424-1

Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Inst Biociencias Rio Claro / UNESP

Otso Vaskainen
University of Helsinki

New Sampling Methods and Statistical Tools for Biodiversity Research: Integrating Animal Movement Ecology with Population and Community Ecology

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2013/50421-2

Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli
Fac. Ciências e Tecnologia Presidente Prudente / UNESP

Juha Hyyppa
Finnish Geodetic Institute

Unmanned Airborne Vehicle - Based 4D Remote Sensing for Mapping Rain Forest Biodiversity and its Change in Brazil (UAV_4D_BIO)

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2013/50426-4

The call for proposals is available at: