


FAPESP and RCUK signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the development of joint research projects submitted by associated Brazilian and British researchers ( 

Specifically for the Newton Fund opportunities, announced at, applicants from the State of São Paulo must consider the following guidelines. 

1. Eligibility by FAPESP

Proposals to FAPESP will be received only from researchers who are Principal Investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within the following schemes: Thematic Projects, Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC/CEPID) and Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE). Co-Principal Investigators of ongoing Thematic Projects, RIDCs and PITEs are also eligible to apply. Exceptionally for this Call for Proposals, researchers in receipt of an ongoing Young Investigator Award are also eligible.

a. FAPESP will accept only one application per related ongoing research project. Likewise, each Principal Investigator can present only one proposal to this Call.

b. The ongoing research project linked to this proposal must have a duration of at least six months left at the scheduled beginning of the Call project.

c. FAPESP may accept proposals submitted to this call linked to research proposals that are still undergoing merit review. However, if the research proposal is still under analysis or has not been approved by the time the proposals in this Call are selected, the Call proposal will be cancelled.

2. Funding principles

The maximum budget for the FAPESP side of the collaboration is £50,000 (fifty thousand pounds) direct costs only. The corresponding research council in the UK will make an equivalent contribution for UK-based researchers. 

2.1 It is envisaged that applications will be for a balanced partnership, with equivalent research commitment from both partners. Applicants should justify clearly all financial requests.

2.2 Allowable costs are of the types allowed by FAPESP in the Regular Research Award scheme (see

2.3 Funds can be used for travel, subsistence and other networking or collaborative activities, such as workshops, summer schools, and exchanges. Funds can also be used to support small direct research costs.

(i) The total amount of funding requested for individual exchange missions will be up to the equivalent to £10,000 (ten thousand Pounds) from FAPESP side.

2.4 In the budget request to FAPESP, applicants must include the applicable Overheads (“Reserva Técnica”), including Additional Benefits (“Benefícios Complementares”) and RTI (“Reserva Técnica Institucional”).

3. Proposal Characteristics

The proposal must be submitted in English, following the conditions established at the RCUK-CONFAP Call for Propolsals (

In addition to the documents requested at the RCUK-CONFAP announcement, applicants from the State of São Paulo must submit the complementary required documentation necessary for FAPESP as described below.

3.1 A document statement having a maximum of five (5) pages of scientific content, written jointly by the Principal Investigator to FAPESP and the Principal Investigator at the RCUK including the following:

a. A substantive description of the activities, emphasizing their relevance. The proposal must state clearly how the activities to be carried out will contribute to the ongoing research project funded by FAPESP, with which the proposal associates;

b. A timeline for each specific exchange mission and collaborative activities, considering the limit of missions and funding established in this Call;

c. Performance indicators for the planned activities;

d. A description of each research team member contributions, explaining their expertise to carry out the foreseen activities;

e. Foreseen actions that will add to the impact of the exchange for the Partner Institution and for the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo, e.g. by means of seminars, workshops, short courses and visits to other institutions that carry out research activities in cognate areas.

3.2 An one-page summary of the FAPESP funded research project to which the proposal relates, including:

a. Current and expected results;

b. An objective description of how the ongoing project to which the proposal is associated will benefit from the activities;

c. A description of the expected academic gains for the ongoing research project resulting from the proposed exchange activities;

d. A description of the infrastructure and funding available for the research project, excluding the expenses requested in the proposal.

3.3 FAPESP Research Proposal Form for Regular Research Awards, specific for this Call.

3.4 Team description table

3.5 In case of approval, a Letter of Agreement between the Partner Institution and the Higher Education and Research Institution in the State of São Paulo to which the PI from São Paulo is affiliated, establishing how Intellectual Property rights, confidentiality, and publications will be treated jointly, in observance of the policies of each funding Party. The Letter of Agreement is not mandatory for the submission of proposals, but no approved project will be contracted before the presentation of a copy of the signed Agreement.

4. Submission of proposals

4.1 A copy of the RCUK/CONFAP application form ( and the additional required documentation (item 3 above) must be submitted to FAPESP as PDF files by the applicant from the State of São Paulo before the deadline announced in the RCUK/CONFAP announcement.

4.2 Submission of the complementary documentation to FAPESP will only be received via e-mail, to the following address

4.3 No proposal will be accepted after the closing date for submission, nor will any addendum or explanation be accepted, unless those explicitly and formally requested by FAPESP or RCUK.

4.4 Proposals submitted by any other means will not be accepted. Late submissions will not be accepted.

5. Analysis and selection

5.1 Applications to this call will be assessed by both FAPESP and RCUK through a joint review process. Final decisions on the proposals from the state of São Paulo will be made jointly between RCUK and FAPESP.

5.2 Before the final decision FAPESP will carry an internal analysis using its Area Committees and Adjunct Coordination.

6. Results of the selection

The results will be announced by FAPESP at

7. Contract for selected projects

Selected proposals will be the object of a grant contract (at FAPESP) to be signed by the PI and a representative of the Higher Education and Research Institution to which he/she is affiliated.

8. Grant cancellation

FAPESP may cancel funding if, during the grant timeframe, a fact is of sufficient gravity to justify cancellation, at the discretion of the Scientific Director, without prejudice of any other appropriate actions.

9. Information about this Call at FAPESP

The questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to Alexandre Roccatto, email