
Trans-Atlantic Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities Versão em português

Memorandum of understanding


Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research - Social Sciences division (NWO, beneficiary 1a)

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research - Humanities division (NWO, beneficiary 1b)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC, beneficiary 2)

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, beneficiary 3)

The Academy of Finland (AKA, beneficiary 4)

International Social Science Council France (ISSC, beneficiary 5)

l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, beneficiary 6)

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR, beneficiary 7)

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT, beneficiary 8)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, beneficiary 9)

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC, beneficiary 10)

Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC, beneficiary 11)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Associate Partner)

The parties in this Memorandum of Understanding:


  • to enhance high quality Trans-Atlantic co-operation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities

  • to share and transfer knowledge and good practices

  • to promote multi-disciplinary Social Science and Humanities research on topics of medium and long-term interest

  • to learn from, enhance and expand existing research networks

  • to strengthen research capabilities and to encourage scientific excellence through interactions of scholars

  • to enhance and facilitate research networks and programmes related to Societal Challenge 6 and 7 in Horizon 2020 related to the Inclusive, Innovative, Reflective and Secure Society


  • the need to exchange leading talent and innovative partnership projects

  • the importance of international collaboration in exploiting the potential of research for significantly enhancing our knowledge and understanding of human thought and behaviour in the past and present


  • the wish of the parties to intensify co-operation in science and technology

  • the similarities in mission, goals and activities of all parties

  • the need to broaden Social Sciences and Humanities co-operation to include themes of mutual interest to the Social Sciences and Humanities in all countries


  • to set up a Tans-Atlantic platform, offering opportunities for strengthening Trans-Atlantic ties in Social Sciences and Humanities, enabling a solid growth model for Trans-Atlantic engagement, in a multi-layer and multi-facetted way

  • to respect the governance structure and management procedures to obtain the objectives of the Platform

Express the intention

  • to continue and where appropriate start or intensify co-operation, in order to:

    • create opportunities for individual researchers, to enhance scientific excellence

    • develop science for society in thematic areas of mutual interest

    • use this co-operation as a stepping stone for multilateral research and networks, to consolidate strengths of in the Social Sciences and the Humanities in their widest remit both with respect to research areas and geographical areas

  • with the instruments:

    • exchange of information between parties

    • workshops, seminars and conferences

    • joint research proposals and projects

    • joint data and research infrastructure management

    • visits of staff and scholars

This Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective as of the date of the last signature and shall remain in force for at least five years and until the last project report from the Trans-Atlantic Platform is approved.

This Memorandum of Understanding consists of seventeen copies - one in Portuguese and fifteen in English - but otherwise all equal in content and form and of equal validity. There is one signed copy for each partner.

This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended or modified by mutual written agreement of the signatories or their replacements. A Partner Organization may withdraw from the Memorandum of Understanding through written correspondence to all signatories. Additional Partner Organizations may become a party to this Memorandum of Understanding in order to participate in a joint activity. All Partner Organizations need to approve that a new party is added to the Memorandum of Understanding.

We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to the terms and conditions specified in this Memorandum of Understanding in conjunction with the relevant Consortium Plan developed for each joint activity.

Signed in Montreal, Canada, on 12 October in the year two thousand and thirteen. 

Authorised to sign on behalf of the

Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research – Social Sciences division (beneficiary 1a)

Renée van Kessel-Hagesteijn

Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research – Humanities division (beneficiary 1b)

Annemarie Bos

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (beneficiary 2)

Chad Gaffield

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (beneficiary 3)

Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz

The Academy of Finland (beneficiary 4)

Heikki Mannila

International Social Science Council (beneficiary 5)

Heide Hackmann

l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (beneficiary 6)

Michael Matlosz

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (beneficiary 7)

i.V. Dr. P. Bergweiler / i.A. S. Kraus

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (beneficiary 8)

Jesús Arturo Borja Tamayo

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (beneficiary 9)

Pedro Carneiro

Arts and Humanities Research Council (beneficiary 10)

Mark Llewellyn

Economic and Social Science Research Council (beneficiary 11)

Michael Bright

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Associate Partner)

Name: Manfred Niessen