FAPESP Week Illinois

FAPESP Week Illinois News

Cocaine is an emerging contaminant of concern in the Bay of Santos (Brazil), says researcher
April 25, 2024
The drug accumulates not only in water, but also in sediments and marine organisms, and poses a high ecological risk, said Camilo Seabra, a professor at the Federal University of São Paulo, during FAPESP Week Illinois.

Registration of biological pest control products exceeds that of agrochemicals in Brazil
April 19, 2024
Around 90% of the sugarcane area in Brazil now uses natural enemies to combat agricultural pests; data were presented during FAPESP Week Illinois.

International group runs simulations capable of describing South America's climate with unprecedented accuracy
April 15, 2024
The aim is to create a computer visualization model that more accurately represents the hydroclimatic processes that occur in the region and to support climate change adaptation measures; the initiative was presented during FAPESP Week Illinois.

Theories that explain the crisis in democracy are inadequate for Latin America, experts say
April 11, 2024
Countries in the region are experiencing a different phenomenon from that observed in the United States and Europe, where increased social inequality may have been the cause of the advance of political polarization. The assessment was made by participants in FAPESP Week Illinois.

Researchers test new behavioral health interventions
April 11, 2024
Group from the University of Illinois in Chicago creates program to stimulate math learning through physical activity; results of the work were presented at FAPESP Week Illinois.

FAPESP seeks to increase research collaboration with the US Midwest
April 10, 2024
Researchers from universities and research institutions in the State of São Paulo participate in FAPESP Week Illinois; the event aims to create new opportunities for scientific cooperation.

Air pollution data could be used to plan better transit routes
April 10, 2024
Researchers from the University of São Paulo are producing maps that show areas of the city of São Paulo with the highest concentration of air pollutants; the results of the studies were presented in the United States during FAPESP Week Illinois.

University of Illinois plans new model for research collaboration with Brazil
April 2, 2024
The Brasillinois program, which will be launched during FAPESP Week Illinois, aims to promote student and faculty mobility and foster connections in areas such as climate and sustainability, medicine, public health, and social inclusion.





