FAPESP announces result of calls with RCUK Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announce the results of three call for proposals jointly issued with the UK Research Councils (RCUK) and the National Council for the State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) in the Newton Fund program.
Each proposal had one proposal selected in the State of São Paulo.
Selected proposals:
Call “Healthy Urban Living and the Social Science of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus” - 2015 (with the ESRC - Economic and Social Research Council):
José Antonio Perrella Balestieri Peter Kraftl |
(Re)Connect the Nexus: Young Brazilians' experiences of and learning about food-water-energy FAPESP grant number: 2015/50226-0 Area: Engineering |
Call “UK-Brazil Neglected Infectious Diseases Partnership “ - 2015 (with the MRC - Medical Research Council)
Angela Kaysel Cruz Pegine Walrad |
Regulating the trans-regulators: Investigating the PRMT7 molecular pathway as an epigenetic regulator of Leishmania spp. Virulence FAPESP grant number: 2015/13618-8 Area: Medicine |
Call “Virtual Joint Centres in Agricultural Nitrogen” - 2015 (with the BBSRC - Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council):
Ciro Antonio Rosolem Sacha Mooney |
Nucleus: a virtual joint centre to deliver enhanced Nitrogen Use effciency via na integrated Soil plant systems approach for the UK and Brazil FAPESP grant number: 2015/50305-8 Area: Biology |
More information about the calls:
Proposals selected in other Brazilian states: