FAPESP and MRC launch Zika Rapid Response Initiative Versão em português

To better understand the nature of the risk posed by the Zika virus, FAPESP and UK Medical Research Council (MRC) are launching a rapid response funding initiative.
In May 2015, Brazil reported the first case of Zika virus disease in the American continent. Since then it rapidly spread with cases now reported in 23 other countries in the region. It is critical that robust evidence for the risks associated with Zika transmission and infection are obtained as soon as possible, to ensure that optimal management and prevention measures can be established.
To support the collection of such evidence, the MRC is launching a £1m rapid response initiative, funded by the recently announced Global Challenges Research Fund, for investigators who are ready and able to undertake timely and appropriate studies on the Zika virus and epidemic.
FAPESP is offering support through Regular Grant Awards, envisaging proposals with equivalent research effort, not necessarily equal funding, through Regular Research Awards. Short term (12 – 18 month) proposals are sought to provide novel, critical and timely insights into the nature of the risk posed by the Zika virus and/or potential paths for its management or prevention.
The closing date for submissions of proposals is February 22, 2016.
More information is available in the call for proposals at: