FAPESP announce result for M-ERA.Net 2015 call Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announce the result of a call for research proposals with the M-ERA.Net issued in 2015.
M-ERA.NET is an EU funded network which supports transnational high risk R&D projects addressing Materials Science and Engineering including micro and nano technologies, production processes and technologies.
The objectives for the M-ERA.Net Call 2015 are increasing synergy, support for innovation chain, international cooperation, interdisciplinarity and socio-ecological benefits.
FAPESP and M-ERA.Net selected one proposal for collaborative research that will be conducted by scientists in Portugal, Spain and the State of São Paulo.
Selected proposal:
Researchers |
Project |
Carlos Roberto Grandini Fatih Toptan Helena Gordo |
Development of bio-functionalized and tribocorrosion resistant hybrid surfaces on novel Ti-based alloys FAPESP grant number: 2015/50280-5 |
More information about the call for proposals is available at: