FAPESP and IBM announce call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and IBM announce the first call for proposals under the cooperation agreement between the institutions.
Researchers from public or private higher education or research institutions in the State of São Paulo can submit proposals for projects that generate knowledge about cognitive computing.
The emphasis of the call is on computer systems that are able to process and integrate different kinds of data, learn at scale, reason with purpose, and interact with humans naturally.
The themes of interest agreed by IBM and FAPESP for this call are:
1) Artificial intelligence theory and its applications to cognitive computing;
2) Natural language processing, understanding, and generation, including text and speech;
3) Knowledge representation, knowledge graphs, and ontologies;
4) Planning and common-sense reasoning;
5) Probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, and neural networks;
6) Image processing, and computer vision
7) Robotics and embodied cognition;
8) Interaction design and evaluation of cognitive computing systems;
9) Affective computing and persuasive technologies;
10) Visual analytics and visual comprehension;
11) Hardware and software accelerators for cognitive computing;
12) Big data analytics, including hardware and software acceleration;
13) Software platforms and middleware support for cognitive computing;
14) Related topics in artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics.
It is desirable that the software resulting from the project be widely distributed as open source, when possible under the Apache License Version 2.0, and that the resulting data be made available for open access.
The researchers must take into account special measures to deal with sensitive data, e.g. to accommodate legal and/or ethical restrictions on access to such data, provisions for privacy, security and others, when applicable.
The proposals must meet the conditions and restrictions of the FAPESP Program for Cooperative Research for Technological Innovation (PITE). Project duration must be up to 2 years.
The deadline for receiving proposals is September 16th, 2016.
The call for proposals is available at: