FAPESP announces result of SPRINT 1/2016 call Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces the result of the first call for proposals in 2016 for SPRINT - São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration, a strategy designed to encourage and promote the advancement of scientific research through the engagement of researchers affiliated with research institutions in the State of São Paulo with research partners abroad.
The call detailed the conditions to submit proposals for the mobility of researchers with the following institutions that hold cooperation agreements with FAPESP and joined the SPRINT 1/2016:
CSTC, Iran
Heriot-Watt University, UK
Institute of Education - University of London, UK
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
University of Glasgow, UK
University of Melbourne, Australia
University of Münster, Germany
The call also accepted proposals from researchers whose partners are from institutions with which FAPESP does not have a current agreement.
Selected proposals:
Researchers |
Project title |
Camila Caldana |
Can we control how plants produce their biomass? |
Wendel Andrade Alves |
Fabrication and characterization of peptide-polymer hybrid hydrogels for bioanalytical applications |
Marcelo Afonso Vallim |
The role of autophagy on the pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans and as a potential drug target |
Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva |
Evaluation of new alternatives to increase the accuracy of the determination of cause of death: a public health approach |
Hugo Cogo Moreira |
Health and abilities measurement in population surveys: an application of the generalized latent variable modelling framework to high dimensional data |
George Avelino Filho |
The politics of patronage appointments in Brazil |
Marcia Perez dos Santos Cabrera |
Antimicrobial, anticancer peptides and peptide/chitosan conjugates characterization by AFM (atomic force microscopy) |
Jose Carlos Egues de Menezes |
Quantum correction to the conductivity of 2d electron gases near the rashba-dresselhaus su (2) symmetry point |
Leonardo Fernandes Fraceto |
Design and development of nanoparticles aiming agriculture and environmental applications. A bilateral cooperation between Unesp/Sorocaba and HWU |
Monica Sanches Yassuda |
A novel cognitive biomarker to screen for dementia across cultures and countries |
Luiz Ricardo Orsini Tosi |
Are devolved functions of components of the 9-1-1 complex a common feature of tritryp genome biology? |
Rita de Cassia Aleixo Tostes Passaglia |
Role of the redox environment and protein tyrosine phosphatase oxidation in atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability |
Gustavo Henrique Goldman |
The influence of Aspergillus fumigatus mitogen activated protein (map) kinases and phosphatases on mycofilm formation |
The call for proposals is published at: