FAPESP and UT Austin announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the University of Texas at Austin announce the result of the third call for joint research projects issued by the institutions.
Two projects were selected and will be conducted by researchers from UT Austin and from the State of São Paulo
Selected proposals:
Researchers |
Title |
Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos Christen Anne Smith |
Women and Violence: The Struggle for Justice in Brazil and United States FAPESP grant: 2016/50060-8 |
Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato Mark Raizen |
Development of a New Method to Cool Neutral Atoms and its Appication Towards the Study of Quantum Turbulance FAPESP grant: 2016/50033-0 |
The call for proposals is published at: