FAPESP and NSF select research project in biodiversity Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announce the result of a call for research proposals for scientific cooperation through their programs, BIOTA and Dimensions of Biodiversity.
The institutions will fund a project that will be conducted by researchers from Instituto Butantan and from The Ohio State University.
This call for proposals for 2016 is based in a broader call for proposals published annually by the NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity’s Program, which invites the participation of US researchers to apply for NSF’s regular funding or co-funding opportunities under NSF agreements with FAPESP and other agencies.
The duration of the research project must be 5 years with possibility of extension for up to 12 additional months, in exceptional condition, as justified and approved by the corresponding agency.
Researchers |
Project |
Inacio de Loiola Meirelles Junqueira de Azevedo |
Dimensions US-BIOTA São Paulo: Scales of biodiversity: Integrated studies of snake venom evolution and function across multiple levels of diversity. |
The call for proposal is available at: