FAPESP and Agence Nationale de la Recherche issue new call for proposals Versão em português

The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) has issued a new call for proposals for research projects in collaboration between French and the State of São Paulo researchers under the cooperation agreement signed by ANR and FAPESP.
In the framework of the Generic Call for Proposals 2017, the selected themes are “Information and Communications Technologies” and “Social Science and Humanities”.
For those who would like to apply in the call, a pre-registration must be done exclusively by the French researcher using ANR procedures until 27 October 2016.
The researchers considered eligible and with approved pre-registration will be invited by the ANR in mid February 2017 for submitting the full proposal until 3 April 2017.
For the applicant researcher in the State of São Paulo, the collaborative proposals will be carried out at FAPESP as a Regular Research Award (specially for this call, up to 48 months of duration) or as a Thematic Project (exact 48 months).
The call for Proposals is available at: (in Portuguese only).