Luis Eduardo Aranha Camargo Versão em português

Advisor to the General Coordination – Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1
B.Sc. in Forestry Engineering (1986) and M.Sc. in Agronomy (Plant Pathology) (1986) from the University of São Paulo, and Ph.D. in Plant Genetics and Breeding from the University of Wisconsin (1994). Full Professor of the Dept. of Plant Pathology and Nematology of the “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture (ESALQ-University of São Paulo).
His research focuses on host-pathogen interactions specifically in understanding the mechanisms of microbial attack and of plant defense.
He served as the Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Plant Pathology, President of the Graduate and Undergraduate Committees of ESALQ, Head of Department of Plant Pathology, Coordinator of the Evaluation Chamber of the Office of Undergraduate Studies and associate editor of Tropical Plant Pathology. He represents the Congregation of ESALQ in the University Council.