Humberto Breves Coda Versão em português

Area Panel - Engineering
Dr. Humberto Breves Coda is a Civil Engineer graduated at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (1986), received his Doctor degree in Structural Engineering from São Carlos School of Engineering EESC - USP (1993), achieved the Associate Professor position in EESC - USP (2000) and is currently Full Professor in Structural Engineering at São Carlos School of Engineering EESC - USP.
He completed post-doctorate at Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, United Kingdom with FAPESP grant (1997-1998) and at Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, United Kingdom with CNPq grant (2006-2007).
Coordinated two FAPESP Thematic Projects: Development of numerical models for structural engineering (2006 - 2010) and Development and availability of softwares for structural analysis (2011 - 2015).
He was a member of the Advisory Committee on Civil Engineering CNPq (2014 - 2017). Currently he is the Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Graduate Program (Structures) EESC - USP and 1A level researcher of CNPq agency.