Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Versão em português
Area Panel - Biology
Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences at University of Campinas - UNICAMP (1982), master's degree (1987) and Ph.D. (1991) in Vegetal Biology at University of Campinas. Professor of Vegetal Systematic at São Paulo University - USP, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ), Piracicaba and currently Titular Professor of Vegetal Systematic at this institution (2001). Has experience in the areas of Vegetal Ecology e Vegetal Systematic, working mainly with Restoration Ecology, Ecology of Restoration and Forest Ecology.
Coordinator of the Biota/FAPESP Program, from 2004 to 2009 and Assistant Coordinator of Biological Sciences I of CAPES, 2009-2012. Head of the Department of biological sciences of ESALQ/USP for 8 years. He was visiting Professor in SESUNC, University of Maryland, USA (2016). Member of the Group on Forest Code of SBPC and ABC (2009 until today). Member of the Clearing House of the State of São Paulo (SMA-SP) 2014 until today.
Jabuti Prize for Literature in 1993, in the area of Natural Sciences, for his participation in the book Natural History of the Serra do Japi. Jabuti Prize for Literature in 2006, in the area of Natural Sciences, by the authorship of the book Mata Ciliar: Conservation and Restoration.