FAPESP and Max Planck announce new call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG), in Germany, announce the third call for proposals under the cooperation agreement between the institutions.
Young highly qualified investigators of any nationality, with at least two years of very well succeeded postdoctoral experience (previous or ongoing) in internationally competitive research groups outside Brazil, are invited to submit research proposals to establish independent Tandem Research Groups (TRG) associated to universities or research institutes in the State of São Paulo, in strong collaboration with researchers in one of the 84 Max Planck Institutes.
The candidates to the position of Principal Investigator (PI), with the title of Max Planck Tandem Group Leader (MPTGL) – Young Investigator Grant PI (YIG-PI), will be in close scientific collaboration with a corresponding Max Planck Institute, which in turn will provide scientific advice, training, and access to facilities.
The call invites research proposals in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Geosciences, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medicine, Arts and Humanities, Social and Cognitive Sciences.
Applications must be submitted to FAPESP under the scheme of its Young Investigators Grant. Exceptions are detailed in the call’s text.
The deadline for proposals submission is September 23, 2019, through the SAGe platform (
The call for proposals is available at