Mirhiane Mendes de Abreu Versão em português

Mirhiane Mendes de Abreu

Area Panel - Humanities and Social Sciences

Mirhiane Mendes de Abreu is Professor of Brazilian Literature at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) since 2009. Graduated in Literature in 1994 from Fluminense Federal University (UFF), she has a Master's degree (1997) and a PhD (2002) in Literary Theory and History from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), where she also completed her postdoctoral studies (2006-2009).Supported by FAPESP, her postgraduate studies focused on José de Alencar's Indian novels and, since her postdoctoral work, she has developed research on Ronald de Carvalho.

She carried out research in several institutions, with emphasis on the Institute of Brazilian Studies of University of São Paulo (IEB/USP), Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) and Archives Littéraires Suisses and, also with the support of FAPESP, she was visiting scholar at the University Paris 3 (Sorbonne Nouvelle), having subsequently integrated the collaborative project CAPES-Cofecub “Artífices da correspondência” (Artificers of Correspondence) (2013-2016), led by Professor Claudia Poncioni, from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, and Professor Marcos Antônio de Moraes, from the Institute of Brazilian Studies at the USP.

She was visiting scholar at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, funded by FAPESP, which continues with the support of the Edital Universal do CNPq (CNPq Universal Notice). She is a member of the Modernismo – Arquivo Virtual da Geração Orpheu project (modernismo.pt), coordinated by Professor Fernando Cabral Martins, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), external collaborator of the Institute of Literary and Tradition Studies (IELT), from UNL, and Collaborating Researcher at IEB-USP. From 2014 to 2016, she participated as a member of the initial jury of the São Paulo Literature Award.

She is the author of the book Ao pé da página: a dupla narrativa em José de Alencar (Mercado de Letras; Fapesp, 2011) and of several articles published in academic publications and national and foreign books.

Page updated on 05/14/2021 - Published on 08/21/2020