Paulo Schor Versão em português

Adjunct Panel - Research for Innovation
Bachelor in Medicine at the Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (1989), Medical Residency in Ophthalmology at the same institution (1991). Masters and Doctorate in Science at Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Department at Escola Paulista de Medicina (1995-1997). Free (2003) and Tenured (2008) Professorship at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP).
Research Fellowship at the Schepens Eye Research Institute of Harvard Medical School and Visiting Scientist at the Chemical Department of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1995-1996). Visiting Professor at the Media Lab - MIT (2004) and Collaborating Professor at the Faculdade de Medicina Einstein (FICSAE) and Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica (2018-present).
Founder of the open-access innovation initiative MedHacker (2005) and early stage companies. Startups’ mentor and key opinion leader (KOL) speaker for surgical and pharma eyecare corporations. Eye surgeon focused on anterior segment and surgical optics in the private practice (1991-present).
Head of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Department (2014-2017), Research Coordinator at the Dean’s office (2016-2018) and Director of the social and technological innovation agency (AGITS) at UNIFESP (2019-present).
Published 143 peer reviewed papers (H factor / i10 Google Scholar = 49), developed 21 technological products, 25 new techniques and signed
5 patents. Mentored 46 students (16 Ph.D and 3 post doctorates). Holds a Technological Development and Innovative Extension Scholarship by CNPq.