FAPESP anuncia resultado de chamada com Trans-Atlantic Platform English version
Chamada inédita envolvendo 25 países seleciona 19 projetos de pesquisa em Ciências Humanas e Sociais voltadas à recuperação pós-COVID-19
A FAPESP anuncia o resultado de uma chamada de propostas com a Plataforma Transatlântica para Ciências Humanas e Sociais (Trans-Atlantic Platform in Social Sciences and Humanities – T-AP) para fortalecimento de práticas e políticas sociais a partir da compreensão e mitigação dos efeitos negativos da pandemia de COVID-19.
O tema da chamada, "Recuperação, Renovação e Resiliência no mundo pós-pandemia", reflete a preocupação com a investigação dos efeitos de curto e médio prazo da pandemia. Aborda, principalmente, seus impactos em múltiplas dimensões: econômica, social, política, saúde, educacional, ambiental, tecnológica, legal, psicológica, cultural e ética. Dessa forma, a chamada pretende contribuir com um futuro mais equitativo, resiliente e sustentável.
A FAPESP coordenou as primeiras etapas de submissão e avaliação, que envolveram centenas de proponentes e mais de 700 assessores de 27 países diferentes.
Os dados associados à chamada evidenciam seu ineditismo em todos os aspectos. Envolvendo 16 agências de fomento e 25 países, recebeu um total de 313 propostas de pesquisa. Após várias etapas de avaliação, foram selecionados 19 projetos de pesquisa, com equipes multinacionais de 12 países, envolvendo 4 continentes. Das 19 propostas selecionadas, 11 têm participação de pesquisadores do estado de São Paulo.
"É consenso entre as agências participantes da chamada que a iniciativa foi um sucesso. O número de agências participantes, o número de propostas recebidas, o grau de articulação entre pesquisadores de diferentes países e a qualidade das propostas foram todos muito bons. O protagonismo da FAPESP e dos pesquisadores paulistas terá importantes reflexos na internacionalização das pesquisas na área", disse Luiz Eugenio Mello, diretor científico da FAPESP.
O valor total concedido às 19 propostas aprovadas é de aproximadamente US$ 16 milhões (ou € 14,4 milhões). As agências de fomento participantes e as nacionalidades contempladas ao final foram: AKA (Finlândia), ANR (França), DFG (Alemanha), DLR-PT/BMBF (Alemanha), FAPESP (Brasil), FRQSC (Canadá), HRZZ (Croácia), IDRC (Colômbia, Costa Rica e Peru), MINCIENCIAS (Colômbia), NCN (Polônia), NRF (África do Sul), NSF (Estados Unidos), SNSF (Suíça), SSHRC (Canadá), UKRI-AHRC (Reino Unido) e UKRI-ESRC (Reino Unido).
Os tópicos cobertos pelos projetos selecionados incluem, dentre outros:
Criação de mídia resiliente, assegurando comunicação efetiva sobre a pandemia em sociedades divididas.
Estudos sobre o efeito da pandemia no aumento de desigualdades nas Américas, Europa e África.
Análise das trajetórias, resultados e sustentabilidade de inovações e colaborações em comunidades marginalizadas.
Uso de artes para apoiar as necessidades de recuperação pós-pandemia em comunidades marginalizadas social, politica e fisicamente.
Exploração dos efeitos da pandemia na governança, participação política, e ações voltadas a gênero e comunidades.
Assegurar a resiliência da educação universitária.
Estudo dos efeitos de trabalho assistencial durante e após a pandemia.
Lista completa de projetos selecionados:
- A mobilização social como alavanca de policymaking? Um diálogo transatlântico sobre ação comunitária e governança descentralizada durante a Covid-19
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07881-9
Agências participantes: SSHRC, FAPESP, BMBF/DLR-PT, IDRC, FRQSC
Resumo (inglês): This project examines the interaction between community mobilization and decentralized governance during the COVID-19 pandemic in diverse trans-Atlantic settings within Brasil, Canadá, Alemanha, and Peru. The aim is to deepen understanding of these interactions and draw relevant learnings for inclusive, equitable, responsive governance during times of crisis and going forward.
Pesquisador responsável: Anne-Emanuelle Birn, University of Toronto, Canadá Pesquisadores principais:
Deisy de Freitas de Lima Ventura, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
Michael Knipper, University of Giessen, Alemanha
Ruth Iguiñiz-Romero, Cayetano Heredia University, Peru
- Cidadania dos povos da floresta como forma de resiliência aos desastres: aprendizados da COVID-19
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07558-3
Agências participantes: ESRC, NSF, FAPESP
Resumo (inglês): This project uses Brasilian Amazonia as an arena to examine how marginalized people, disproportionately affected by COVID-19, are using citizenship to mitigate the pandemic’s negative societal effects. The project aims (1) quantify linkages between forest citizenship and COVID-19 resilience; (2) understand practices of forest citizenship in relation to COVID-19 experiences; and (3) understand and disseminate learning on conditions for promoting forest citizenship and enhancing disaster resilience across Amazonia.
Pesquisador responsável: Luke Parry, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Peter Newton, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, Estados Unidos
Rodrigo Martins, Departamento de Sociologia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil - Comunicação pandêmica em tempos de populismo: construindo uma mídia resiliente e garantindo uma comunicação pandêmica eficaz em sociedades divididas
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07344-3
Agências participantes: ESRC, FAPESP, NSF, NCN
Resumo (inglês): This project will develop the first comprehensive, comparative study of health crisis communication in the context of populist politics, bringing significant advances in knowledge at the intersection of political communication and public health. This research will inform recommendations aimed at building more resilient media organisations that are better equipped to withstand the challenges of future pandemics in divided societies.
Pesquisador responsável: Sabina Mihelj, Centre for Research on Communication and Culture, Loughborough University, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Václav Štětka, Centre for Research on Communication and Culture, Loughborough University, Reino Unido
Danilo Rothberg, Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação, Unesp, Brasil
Marlene Laruelle, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University, Estados Unidos
Daniel Hallin, Department of Communication, University of California San Diego, San Diego, Estados Unidos
Beata Klimkiewicz, Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Polônia
- GEN-MIGRA: Gênero, mobilidades e migração durante e após a pandemia de COVID-19 - vulnerabilidades, resiliência e renovação
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07574-9
Agências participantes: FAPESP, ESRC, DFG, NCN
Resumo (inglês): This project aims to explore how migrant women have faced mobility challenges in the context of varied national responses to the covid 19 and produced movements of resistance and renewal, strategizing, and repositioning themselves in the labour market and the implications of these decisions for family life. This project investigates this through an innovative analysis in countries with diverse social protection policies, namely Brasil, Reino Unido, Alemanha, and Polônia.
Pesquisador responsável: Adriana Piscitelli, Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero (PAGU), Unicamp, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
Daniela Sime, University of Strathclyde, Reino Unido
Karolina Barglowski, University of Dortmund, Alemanha
Krystyna Slany, Jagiellonian University, Polônia
- Impacto da COVID19 no modo de vida, mobilidade e acessibilidade dos grupos marginalizados (ICOLMA)
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07554-8
Agências participantes: BMBF/DLR-PT, NRF, FAPESP
Resumo (inglês): This interdisciplinary project will explore and compare the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the mobility, accessibility and livelihoods of marginalised groups in Cape Town (South Africa), Ruhr Area (Alemanha) and São Paulo (Brasil). The aim is to understand the changing roles of physical access for urban marginalised groups in pandemic times on their livelihood and the role of virtual access therein. This project will recommend measures toward equitable accessibility that support and improve the resilience of marginalised groups across the globe.
Pesquisador responsável: Sophie Schramm, TU Dortmund University, Alemanha
Principle Investigators:
Stefan Greiving, TU Dortmund University, Alemanha
Sandra Irene Momm Schult, Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brasil
Mark Zuidgeest, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, África do Sul
- PANEX-YOUTH: Adaptações de jovens em comunidades pobres para sobreviver e recuperar da COVID-19 e de restrições associadas
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07399-2
Agências participantes: ESRC, NRF, FAPESP
Resumo (inglês): There is a crucial need to understand how young people have adapted during the pandemic and to assess the wider impact of such processes of adaptations. This project seeks to use an action research methodology to co-create this knowledge about such adaptations and generate wider recommendations, with young people, and the communities in which they live, and non-government bodies and non-profit organisations that focus on this age group.
Principal Investigator: Stuart Denoon-Stevens, University of the Free State, South Africa.
Pesquisadores principais:
Lauren Andres, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London (UCL), Reino Unido
Leandro Luiz Giatti, Departamento de Saúde Ambiental, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
- Quem se importa? Reconstruindo o cuidado num mundo pós-pandemia
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07888-3
Resumo (inglês): The project seeks to uncover and understand the matrix of care provision that is fragmented and uncoordinated, and the resultant overlapping, inconsistent and at times competing polices and regulations shaping care work and its provision at different levels of governance. Rebuilding a robust and more resilient care organization requires a comprehensive understanding of the care economy and entails learning from innovative initiatives in different countries.
Pesquisador responsável: Nadya Araujo Guimarães, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP) e Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
Angelo Soares, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canadá
Aurélie Damamme, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Paris 8 University, Paris, France
Heidi Gottfried, Department of Sociology, Wayne State University, Estados Unidos
Javier Armando Pineda Duque, University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colômbia
Louisa Acciari, University College London (UCL), Reino Unido
- Reconstrução, comunidades e intersetorialidade: Trabalhando com Respostas Comunitárias e Colaborações Intersetoriais para promover avanços na Saúde e na Justiça Alimentar durante e após a pandemia de Covid-19
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07841-7
Agências participantes: ESRC, SSHRC, FAPESP
Resumo (inglês): This project will take an action research approach to analysing the trajectories, outcomes and sustainability of grassroots innovations and collaborations that have emerged since March 2020 among activists and front-line service providers working with marginalised and racialised communities in three socially diverse and economically dynamic but unequal cities: São Paulo (Brasil), Toronto (Canadá) and Brighton (Reino Unido).
Pesquisador responsável: Alex Shankland, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Vera Schattan P. Coelho, Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP), Brasil
Suzanne Sicchia, Department of Health & Society, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canadá
- SUPORTE: Desigualdades, Resiliência e Novas modalidades de Governança em um mundo pós pandemia
Agências participantes: 2021/07839-2
Resumo (inglês): This project will examine the short- and long-term consequences of COVID-19 from a comparative perspective and studies the COVID-19 crisis holistically as a new source for mobilization of societies and political systems. The project will develop transatlantic platforms, co-produce practical tools and methodologies that will form a systematic basis for post-pandemic recovery and aid in fostering a culture embedded with everyday forms of resilience.
Pesquisador responsável: Mihai Varga, Free University of Berlin, Alemanha
Pesquisadores principais:
Leda Maria Caira Gitahy, Instituto de Geociências, Unicamp, São Paulo
Philippe Bourbeau, University Laval, Québec, Canadá
Emilia Elisabeth Palonen, University of Helsinki, Finlândia
Tania Pérez-Bustos, National University of Colômbia, Bogota, Colômbia
James Foley, Glasgow Caledonian University, Reino Unido
Mateusz Karolak, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Polônia
Eric C. Jones, University of Texas Houston, El Paso, Texas, Estados Unidos
Senada Šelo Šabić, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Zagreb, Croácia
- VOICES: O Valor da Abertura, Inclusão, Comunicação e Engajamento pela Ciência no Mundo Pós-Pandemia
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07577-8
Agências participantes: SSHRC, FAPESP, DFG, AHRC
Resumo (inglês): Covid-19 also served to bring about some positive changes in the way we carry out, communicate, and engage with science. This project examines: 1) how is the value of open science discussed and positioned? Who adopted or contributed to open science practices and how? And how has the relationship between research and the public been affected by the opening of research.
Pesquisador responsável: Juan Pablo Alperin, Simon Fraser University, Canadá
Principle Investigator:
Germana Barata, Núcleo de Desenvolvimento da Criatividade (NUDECRI), Unicamp, Brasil
Isabella Peters, ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics & Kiel University, Alemanha
Stephen Pinfield, University of Sheffield, Reino Unido
- Vozes em Recuperação: Recognising intersecting risks, capacities and pandemic recovery needs in marginalised communities of Latin America
Processo FAPESP: 2021/07660-2
Agências participantes: AHRC, FAPESP, MINCIENCIAS, IDRC
Resumo (inglês): ‘Voices of Recovery’ is a multi-country, interdisciplinary partnership that focuses on understanding and supporting the recovery needs of socially, politically and physically marginalised communities in Latin America. The project goes much further than posing research questions, and will be rooted in participation and action, using creative arts approaches to strengthen people’s articulation of rights and needs during and after the pandemic.
Pesquisador responsável: Professor Roger Few, University of East Anglia, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Liana O. Anderson, Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Nacionais (CEMADEN), São José dos Campos, Brasil
Nelvia Victoria Lugo Agudelo, Universidad de Caldas, Colômbia
María Eugenia Ulfe, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
- Reconnecting with Experience and Sensitive for instructional Practices fostering Inclusivity, Resilience and Equity
Agências participantes: SSHRC, FRQSC, SNSF, ANR
This project investigates the question of the resilience of university instruction following the shock of physical and mental isolation into which trainers and learners were thrust during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this project is to empower teachers in higher education to face the new situations in various contexts.
Pesquisador responsável: Fabienne Venant, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canadá
Pesquisadores principais:
Sabine Chatelain, HEP Vaud, LaEstados Unidosnne, Suíça
Antoine Delcroix, University of the Antilles, Pointe a Pitre, França
- Deaton Review Country Studies: A Trans-Atlantic Comparison of Inequalities in Incomes and Outcomes over Five Decades
Agências participantes: NSF, SSHRC, ESRC, AKA, ANR, BMBF/DLR-PT
The aim of this project is to examine a broad set of inequalities in employment, human capital, earnings and family income over the last five decades in a coherent framework across North America and Europe. It will provide a major source for comparative research on inequality trends and on how the pandemic has affected them. This project will highlight key differences and commonalities across 17 economies, deepen our understanding of the drivers of inequality and the impact of the pandemic and provide evidence needed to design appropriate policy responses to inequality in the post-pandemic world.
Pesquisador responsável: James P. Ziliak, Centre for Poverty Research and Department of Economics, University of Kentucky, Estados Unidos
Pesquisadores principais:
Sir Richard Blundell, Department of Economics, University College London (UCL), Reino Unido
Antoine Bozio, Paris School of Economics (PSE), Paris, França
David Green, Vancouver School of Economics at University of British Colômbia, Canadá
Tomi Kyyrä, VATT Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki, Finlândia
Andreas Peichl, Ludwig-Maximilian University and Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich, Alemanha
- Exploring the role of adaptive capacity on democratic performance: Governmental and Non-profit Organizations in the Pandemic
Agências participantes: ESRC, NSF, SSHRC, FRQSC, NCN
This project integrates organizational, sociological, and democratic theories in a unique manner to analyse and report recommendations for practice that improves adaptive capacity, democratic legitimacy, and ultimately stronger public health participation and outcomes for diverse publics across unique societies.
Pesquisador responsável: Thomas Bryer, University of Central Florida, Estados Unidos
Pesquisadores principais:
Victoria Foster, Edge Hill University, Reino Unido
Mebs Kanji, Concordia University, Montreal, Canadá
Piotr Modzelewski, University of Warsaw, Polônia
- Towards a green and inclusive post-pandemic recovery of the Blue Economy and coastal communities
Agências participantes: ESRC, NSF, IDRC, BMBF/DLR-PT
This project will provide science-based guidance for post COVID recovery of coastal communities through a trans-national comparative study across coastal areas in Costa Rica, Alemanha, Scotland (Reino Unido), and the Estados Unidos. The project aims to determine key enabling factors across all regions that lead to response performance so as to inform the development of future strategies for a green and inclusive coastal recovery.
Pesquisador responsável: Professor Fabrice Renaud (Reino Unido), School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Marta Vicarelli, Department of Economics and School of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts, Estados Unidos
Zita Sebesvari, United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn, Alemanha
Catalina Esquivel Rodríguez, School of Public Administration, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
- The Changing Role of Religion in Societies Emerging from Covid-19
Agências participantes: AHRC, NCN, DFG, SSHRC, FRQSC
This project compares the changing role of majority and minority religions in ‘global north’ contexts: Canadá, Alemanha, Ireland/Northern Ireland (Reino Unido), and Polônia. The project will draw conclusions about factors that affect how religious actors frame issues of health, illness and science, how relationships between religion and the state have been transformed in the context of the pandemic, and whether or how religious adaptations to the digital world have taken account of inclusion and other ethical issues.
Pesquisador responsável: Gladys Ganiel, Queen’s University Belfast, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Solange Lefebvre, University of Montreal, Canadá
Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, University of Bremen, Alemanha
Sławomir Mandes, University of Warsaw, Polônia
- En Route to Recovery: Diversity and vulnerability in care work during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Agências participantes: AKA, SSHRC, ESRC, NRF
This project will examine how diverse people in Finlândia, Canadá, Reino Unido and South Africa, specifically, care workers in precarious positions (women, LGBTI2S people, and migrant status or minority ethnic people) who work/have worked in formal and informal care address challenges by collaboratively examining their ideas to ease risks and develop opportunities to deliver and receive care.
Pesquisador responsável: Marjut Jyrkinen, Department of Cultures, Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, Finlândia
Pesquisadores principais:
Kathy Sanderson, Faculty of Business Administration, Lakehead University, Canadá
Linda McKie, Head of the School of Political and Social Science, University of Edinburgh, Reino Unido
Floretta Boonzaier, Department of Psychology, University of Cape Town, África do Sul - Taxing ghosts: closing residency loopholes to fund post-pandemic recovery efforts
Agências participantes: ESRC, SSHRC, NRF
This project focuses on the international tax reform agenda and aims to (1) research the national and international factors that facilitate tax ghosting by wealthy individuals and corporations, (2) demonstrate the disparate economic threats created by such tax ghosting, and (3) analyse why states have failed to recognize the threats to date and propose novel yet feasible policy solutions based on our findings.
Pesquisador responsável: Kristin Surak, LSE, Reino Unido
Pesquisadores principais:
Allison Christians, McGill University, Montreal, Canadá
Afton Titus, University of Cape Town, África do Sul
Precious Ndlovu, University of the Western Cape, África do Sul
- How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect climate policy? Case studies on climate targets, recovery spending, and carbon fiscal reform
Agências participantes: SNSF, NSF, BMBF/DLR-PT
This project aims to understand the climate ambition of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), COVID-19 recovery packages, and fiscal reform. It uncovers the political and economic drivers underlying differences in climate ambition in these three types of policy intervention across countries. The project will deliver policy recommendations for national policymakers and IFIs on how to increase climate ambition.
Pesquisador responsável: Tobias Schmidt, ETH Zurich, Suíça
Pesquisadores principais:
Jonas Meckling, UC Berkeley, Estados Unidos
Anna Pegels, German Development Institute, Bonn, Alemanha