
FAPESP announces call result with ANR Versão em português

Eight proposals were selected with the Agence National de la Recherche of France for collaborative research.

FAPESP announces the result of the 2022 edition of the joint call for proposals with ANR, the French National Research Agency. Eight proposals were selected and will be conducted by researchers from the State of São Paulo with colleagues in France.

The so-called FAPESP/ANR Generic Call 2022 proposed the elaboration of proposals according to five thematic axes: Engineering, Chemistry and Physics; Computer Science and Mathematics; Materials Science; Social Sciences and Humanities; Environment, Ecosystems and Biological Resources.

Also according to the notice, the eight research projects comprise bilateral cooperation between the teams from the state of São Paulo and France, with FAPESP and ANR responsible for financing the research conducted by the team located in their respective territories.

Selected proposals:

3D-NanoREV: 3D environmental studies of the microstructure engineering of vanadate-based phosphors at the nanoscale
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03442-3
PI: Paulo Cesar de Sousa Filho
Host Institution: Institute of Chemistry/UNICAMP
PI abroad: Thierry Gacoin
Institution abroad: École Polytechnique – Palaiseau

ByProdAct: Production of loaded particles and nanocelluloses from agro-industrial By-Products: potential application in Active coatings or PLA filmsLA
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03469-9
PI: Milena Martelli Tosi
Host Institution: Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering/USP
PI abroad: Giana Almeida-Perrea
Institution abroad: AgroParisTech, Centre de Massy

IONO-DIET: Ionospheric Detection and Imaging of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Near-Real-Time
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03502-6
PI: Esfhan Alam Kherani
Host Institution: INPE/MCTI
PI abroad: Elvira Astafyeva
Institution abroad: Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

NAIMAN: Normative Artificial Intelligence for regulating MANufacturing
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03454-1
PI: Jaime Simão Sichman
Host Institution: Engineering School (POLI-USP)
PI abroad: Luis Gustavo Nardin
Institution abroad: École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne

ORGANIC: Eco Engineering of Nano-Enabled Plant Protection Technologies
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03399-0
PI: Renata de Lima
Host Institution: Pro-Rectory for Graduate School, Research, Extension and Innovation/UNISO
PI abroad: Catherine Santaella
Institution abroad: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Paris

SDAIM: Stochastic and Deterministic Analysis for Irregular Models
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03379-0
PI: Christian Horácio Olivera
Host Institution: Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing/UNICAMP
PI abroad: Francesco Russo
Institution abroad: École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA), ParisTech – Palaiseau

SeMerAMAZON: Understanding of the mercury-selenium interaction in Amazon riverside populations by combining cutting-edge analytical and toxicological approaches
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03476-5
PI: Fernando Barbosa Junior
Host Institution: Ribeirão Preto School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/USP
PI abroad: Zoyne Pedrero Zayas
Institution abroad: Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

WEAVEQSO-JPAS: Exploiting two large astrophysical surveys
FAPESP Grant: 2022/03426-8
PI: Luis Raul Weber Abramo
Host Institution: Physics Institute/USP
PI abroad: Matthew Pieri
Institution abroad: Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille

Full call for proposals is available (in Portuguese) at:

Page updated on 10/10/2022 - Published on 10/10/2022