First Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Science Foundation and FAPESP to support the Programs Dimensions of Biodiversity and BIOTA/FAPESP Versão em português
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and The National Science Foundation (NSF), both hereinafter referred to as "Participants”:
CONSIDERING the continued importance of the Dimensions of Biodiversity (DoB) campaign to characterize the dimensions of biodiversity on Earth by using innovative approaches that meaningfully expand understanding of the diversity of life, and wishing to strengthen and continue this cooperation with the Biodiversity on a Changing Planet solicitation (replacing the DoB solicitation) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit;
CONSIDERING the need to strengthen the links between the scientific communities of both countries and also to encourage new forms of collaboration between their research centers;
1. In accordance with the “Activities of the signatories” section of the original MOU, dated December 19, 2011, cooperative activities pursuant to this MOU are expected to continue for an additional two (2) years from when they were to discontinue and, therefore, cooperative activities will continue until 19th December, 2023;
2. All other terms of the MoU remain unchanged.
Declared their intentions, the Participants sign this Amendment in two (2) originals, in English and Portuguese versions, all texts being equally authentic.