Isabela Judith Martins Bensenor Versão em português

Isabela Judith Martins Bensenor

Area Panels - Health Science

Graduation in medicine at the Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo (FM-USP) (1977-1982), Medical Residency in Internal Medicine in the Hospital das Clínicas of FM-USP (1983-1985), Fellowship in Epidemiology in School of Public Health-USP (1994) and PhD in Internal Medicine (1995-1997) by FM-USP.

Post-doctoral fellowship in the Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham’s and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School (1997-1999). In 2003, she achieved the title of “Livre-docente’ by the Department of Internal Medicine-USP and since 2006, she has been an Associate Professor level 3 in the same department.

Between 2003-2008, she mentored the first team of healthcare professionals linked to primary care teaching at FMUSP. She also coordinated the first five years of the Medical Residency in Family Medicine following the Family Health Strategy in the Butantan community.

Since 2001, much of her time has been committed to building and maintaining the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil), a large prospective multicentric cohort study with the main aim of the evaluation of associated factors to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

In the ELSA-Brasil, she has been the vice-coordinator (2008-2018) and since 2019 she is the coordinator of the Investigation Center in Sao Paulo. She also coordinates the Center for Clinical and Epidemiological Research (CPCE) in the Hospital Universitário that is a "Núcleo de Atenção à Pesquisa at USP" (NAP-CPCE).

The main line of research is the investigation of non-classical risk factors for cardiovascular diseases focusing on the relationship between thyroid function, inflammatory diseases, and its influence on cardiovascular outcomes. She is recipient of a scholarship of CNPq (1B).

Page updated on 05/20/2024 - Published on 05/20/2024