
FAPESP and NSF launch new Biodiversity on a Changing Planet call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and NSF launch new Biodiversity on a Changing Planet call for proposals (photo: Roberto Strafella / Wikimedia Commons)

Up to five Regular Research Grants and up to three Thematic Grants or Young Researcher Awards will be funded. The total amount made available is R$15.5 million.

FAPESP and the National Science Foundation (NSF), from the United States, announce the launch of the Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP) 2024 call for proposals.

The BoCP program seeks interdisciplinary research projects that address grand challenges in biodiversity science within an unprecedented context of global environmental change, including climate change. Increasing rates of species loss require new knowledge about how the functional diversity of organisms interacts and responds to environmental changes.

The BoCP seeks a comprehensive and integrative approach to understanding planetary biodiversity from a functional perspective. Promoting a comprehensive understanding of functional biodiversity requires a highly integrative approach – including consideration of spatial and temporal dimensions from the organism level to the ecosystem level, and from recent to deep temporal scales.

Through the call, FAPESP commits to financing up five Regular Research Grants and up to three Thematic Grants or Young Researcher Awards. The total amount made available by FAPESP is R$15.5 million.

Requests for grants will be permitted under specific conditions indicated in the call – including the request for postdoctoral or TT-5 fellowships in conjunction with Regular Research Grants.

The call is also supported by the research funding agencies of China (NSFC) and South Africa (NRF), enabling the submission of multilateral projects, as long as they always include a researcher in the United States.

Proposals must be submitted to FAPESP by the responsible researcher in the state of São Paulo and to the NSF by the responsible researcher in the United States. Only researchers from the state of São Paulo are eligible to submit proposals to FAPESP in the call.

The deadline for submitting proposals ends on September 5, 2024. The call is published (in Portuguese) at