
FAPESP and KCL issue call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and KCL issue call for proposals Proposals for the exchange of researchers from institutions of São Paulo and the King's College London can be presented up to July 9 (KCL)

FAPESP and the King’s College London (KCL), from the UK are accepting proposals for the exchange of researchers within the range of scientific cooperation. Inscriptions can be made up to July 9, 2012 in the call for proposals issued by the institutions.

The call is open in all fields of knowledge to researchers working within KCL and principal investigators in the State of São Paulo of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within the following schemes: Regular Research Awards, Thematic Projects, Young Investigators, or Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centres (CEPIDs/RIDCs).

Each proposal can last up to 24 months. KCL will provide funding of up to £6,000 per year for KCL award holders, for the period established in the award, necessarily and exclusively to cover mobility expenses (travel costs, living allowances, and insurance costs).

FAPESP will provide the selected proposals with funds for travel (air tickets), health insurance and living allowances for researchers from the State of São Paulo for when they come to KCL.

The proposals must be submitted simultaneously to FAPESP by the researcher from the State of São Paulo and to KCL by his/her collaborator from the United Kingdom. The KCL researcher should submit copies of both her/his own submission and that of her/his State of São Paulo collaborator to KCL. The State of São Paulo collaborator should submit copies of both her/his own submission and that of the KCL researcher to FAPESP. Each Party will select the proposals according to its own procedures. Only the proposals selected by both Parties will be funded.

More information is available at

Page updated on 05/10/2012 - Published on 05/10/2012