FAPESP and USC announce results of call for proposals Versão em português

São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and University of Southern California (USC) announce the results of their joint call for proposals issued in May 2012 by the institutions.
The Call was open to full-time faculty at the University of Southern California and researchers affiliated to Higher Education and Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo, who are Principal Investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within the following schemes: Regular Research Awards, Thematic Projects, Young Investigators, or Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs.
Selected proposals:
Researchers |
Title |
Newton Sabino Canteras – USP |
Functional ethological investigations into the role of discrete regions of the lateral hypothalamic area implicated by their neuronal connections in the control of defensive behaviors
Daniela Gamba Garib Carreira – USP Stephen Yen - USC FAPESP #: 2012/50527-2 |
Intercenter comparison of different maxillary expansion modalities in patients with complete cleft lip and palate.
Wanderleia Quinhoneiro Blasca – USP FAPESP #: 2012/50528-9 |
Technical and Scientific Exchange for the creation of a virtual craniofacial team to support clinicians in remote regions lacking experience with craniofacial care. |
Silvio Soares Macedo – USP Nº processo FAPESP: 2012/50551-0 |
Comparative metropolitan development: Los Angeles and São Paulo.
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