FAPESP and Agilent issue new call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Agilent issue a new call for proposals under the scientific cooperation agreement between the institutions, with the objective of identify, select and support world-class research in advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques related to synthetic biology and food safety.
The intention of the project is not to enable incremental engineering projects with a known outcome, but rather to explore and create new knowledge and technology. The development of pilot projects is highly encouraged but not a strict requirement.
Proposals should be submitted by researchers from higher education and research organizations, public or non-profit, in the State of São Paulo.
The total amount available under this request for proposals (RFP) is US$ 600,000.00, with 50% of this value to be provided by FAPESP and 50% by Agilent. It is anticipated that 3-5 proposals will be selected, with individual values in the range of US$75,000 to US$150,000.
The appropriateness of the requested funding amount in relation to the proposal goals and qualification of the proposing team is a primary review consideration. In addition, FAPESP and Agilent reserve the right to propose lower funding levels for projects.
Proposals should be for duration of at most three years and under the norms of the modality Research Support Program for Technological Innovation in Partnership (PITE-FAPESP).
The last date for receiving proposals is June 14th, 2013.
The call for proposals is available at: