FAPESP and GSK issue a new call for proposals

FAPESP and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) make public a new call for proposals and invite interested researchers working within public or private higher education or research institutions in the State of São Paulo.
The call is open to proposals in the following topics: Metabolic Diseases; Tropical and Neglected Diseases; Infectious Diseases; Respiratory Diseases; Inflammation and Immunology; Biopharmaceuticals and Vaccines.
The proponent should satisfy the conditions and restrictions of the FAPESP’s Program for Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE).
The total amount available for this call for proposals is US$ 600.000, with a maximum of US$ 200.000 per project.
Proposals should target some or all of the following research goals: Novel and Creative Solutions; Immediate Relevance; Dissemination and Communication of the Results.
The duration of selected projects will be of up to 24 months. The proposals will be received until August 2nd, 2013.
The call for proposals is available at: