FAPESP and Universidad de Salamanca announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Universidad de Salamanca (USAL), Spain announce the result of a call for proposals for the exchange of researchers from the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and from the USAL, Spain, within the scope of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between the institutions.
FAPESP and USAL will provide funding of up to €$10,000 per proposal, for the period established in the award, to cover mobility expenses of their researchers.
The activities foreseen in this project must start within the timeframe of the main FAPESP research grant. The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable.
Selected proposals:
Researchers | Title |
Katia Jorge Ciuffi Pró-Reitoria Adjunta de Graduação – Unifran Vicente Rives Arnau USAL |
New clay-based materials with advanced technological and environmental applications
FAPESP#: 2013/50216-0 |
Karen Badaraco Costa Instituto Oceanográfico - USP José-Abel Flores Villarejo USAL |
High resolution climate record for the last climatic cycle in the Subtropical SW Atlantic
FAPESP#: 2013/50224-2 |
Iakov Veniaminovitch Kopelevitch Inst. Física Gleb Wataghin - Unicamp Enrique Diez USAP |
Quantum phase transitions from graphene to graphite
FAPESP#: 2013/50287-4 |
The Call for Proposals is available at:
Page updated on 07/30/2013 - Published on 07/30/2013