FAPESP and NC State issue call for proposals Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and North Carolina State University (NC State), USA, make public a call for proposals for the exchange of researchers, post-doctoral and PhD fellows under the scientific cooperation agreement between the institutions.
The call is open to principal and co-principal investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP as well associated researchers from higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo directly involved in the ongoing research project. The eligible post-doctoral and PhD fellows must have an ongoing FAPESP fellowship during the planned exchange mission.
By NC State, the call is open to principal and co-principal investigators and associated researchers, including post-doctoral fellows and select graduate students at the university.
FAPESP will provide funding of up to US$10,000 per selected proposal per year and NC State will each provide funding of up to US$10,000 per proposal per year, for the duration of the grant to cover mobility expenses
The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable. The call for proposals invites research proposals in all fields of knowledge and the closing date for submission of proposals is September 9, 2013.
The call for proposals is available at: