FAPESP launches call for proposals with Belmont Forum Versão em português

FAPESP launches a new call for research proposals with the Belmont Forum, group of institutions to encourage research on global changes, published a new research call for proposals.
The 2013 International Opportunities Fund, launched in partnership with the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI), offers a total of 10 million euros to finance selected projects.
The Belmont Forum is formed by international organisations and research agencies from 13 countries and the European Commission. FAPESP is one of the participants in the initiative. One of the main goals of the Forum is to promote international cooperation in environmental research.
The new call aims to fund research related to food security and land use changes. The call is open to proposals that involve mainly the following countries: South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Cyprus, United States, France, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Romania and Switzerland.
FAPESP integrates the call, which is open to the participation of researchers from institutions of the State of São Paulo, Brazil.
This call offers opportunities for two types of projects. The first regards community building projects (12 to 18 months for up to €300,000.00) to be selected with a one-step procedure. The type 2 is for medium- to long-term collaborative research projects (3 to 5 years for up to €3,000,000.00 to be selected with a two-steps procedure .
Proposals will be processed at FAPESP in the following award schemes: Type 1 projects: as Regular Research Award; type 2 projects as either Thematic Project Research Award or Young Investigator Award.
The closing date for submission of pre-proposals is September 30th, 2013. The call is available at: