FAPESP and the University of Edinburgh announce first call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and the University of Edinburgh, UK announced on September 25th, during the FAPESP Week London, the first call for proposals within the range of scientific cooperation between the institutions.
The call for proposals is open to University of Edinburgh researchers who propose a collaborative project with FAPESP funded researchers.
By FAPESP, can participate in the call principal investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP within the following funding lines: Regular Research Awards, Thematic Projects, Young Investigators, Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs), Public Education Research Program, Research in Public Policies, and Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE). Co-Principal Investigators of ongoing Thematic Projects, CEPIDs/RIDCs and PITEs are also eligible to apply.
University of Edinburgh applicants working in the remit of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council are asked to note that EPSRC is currently not participating in the RCUK-FAPESP Memorandum of Understanding. UK applicants could still apply to the EPSRC for funding for research that involves collaboration with partners in São Paulo, but this would need to be done separately from any application that the research partners in São Paulo make to FAPESP − a ‘double jeopardy’ process would apply.
FAPESP and University of Edinburgh will each provide funding the equivalent of up to £5,000.00 per proposal per year, for the duration of the grant to cover mobility expenses, under the provisions of eighth clause of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement established by the Parties.
The proposal, in English, consists of an identical research project to be submitted to both Parties and the required documentation for each Party (FAPESP and the University of Edinburgh).
This Call for Proposals invites research proposals in all fields. The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable.
The closing date for submission of proposals is February 10th, 2014
The call for proposals is available at:
Page updated on 09/25/2013 - Published on 09/25/2013