FAPESP and DGOEER sign funding agreement Versão em português

FAPESP announces on October 1st the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Direction Générale Opérationnelle Economie, Emploi & Recherche du Service Public de Wallonie (DGOEER) on October 1st, 2013.
The agreement is valid for three years and was signed by the president of FAPESP, Celso Lafer, and Yves Sennen, general director of DGOEER.
Through the cooperation agreement, FAPESP and DGOEER will implement scientific and technological cooperation between researchers of Wallonia and of the State of São Paulo, through the funding of joint research projects.
For each of the research projects that are approved, DGOEER will assume the funding of research teams from Wallonia and FAPESP of research teams from São Paulo, in all cases according to their national rules and regulations and budget availability.
Research Projects will be supported in five knowledge areas: biotechnology and healthcare, food, green technologies and sustainable development, logistics, aeronautics and space.
The cooperation agreement FAPESP-DGOEER is available at: