FAPESP and Microsoft Research issue new Call for Research Proposals Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation and Microsoft Research make public the seventh call for research proposals for the Virtual Research Institute FAPESP–Microsoft Research.
The call is open to researchers associated to Institutions of Higher Education or Research, public and or private, in the State of São Paulo.
The objective of this call is to explore the application of Computing Science to the challenges of basic research in areas related to big data challenges in the context of global climate change, environmental sciences, as well as urban computing that leverage the power of the cloud.
It is universally acknowledged by the research community that ICT tools and instruments can be applied beyond their traditional platform, so researchers can investigate fundamental research issues that have the power to benefit the society and the planet’s sustainability.
Projects will be reviewed specifically for the merit of the following items: 1) Bold scientific objectives, sound methodology and goals; 2) Focus on relevant knowledge and technology advancements, taking into account the technology issues which will address significant challenges in Global Climate Change, Environmental Sciences as well as Urban Computing involving large datasets. It must be emphasized that creativity and novel approaches are strongly encouraged.
The total amount available to support projects within this Call for Proposals (CFP) is R$ 1,500,000.00, equally shared by FAPESP and Microsoft Research.
The last date for receiving proposals is November, 20th, 2013.
The call for proposals is available at: