FAPESP and CNRS announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, National Center for Scientific Research) announce the result of a public call for proposals for the exchange of researchers between the State of São Paulo and France during 2014 and 2015. Six proposals were selected.
FAPESP and CNRS will each provide funding of up to € 4,000 per proposal per year, for the duration of the grant to cover research-related mobility expenses. The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable.
Selected proposals:
Researchers |
Project title |
Adilson Jesus Aparecido de Oliveira Andrea Gauzzi |
Investigation of multiferroic materials and topological insulators FAPESP #: 2014/50149-3 |
Daciberg Lima Gonçalves John Guaschi |
Algebraic and topological properties of the Braid groups of the real projective plane, sphere, disk, orbit configuration spaces, and relations with crystallographic groups FAPESP #: 2014/50131-7 |
Mauricio da Silva Baptista Carlos S. Marques |
Photosensitizations reactions in membranes: from basic science to research development FAPESP #: 2014/50134-6 |
Riccardo Sturani Tania Regimbau |
Exploring neutron stars interiors with gravitational waves FAPESP #: 2014/50128-6 |
Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior Isabelle Bloch |
Learning salient elements from videos using structural and temporal information FAPESP #: 2014/50135-2 |
Soraia Attie Calil Jorge Renaud Wagner |
Production of virus like particles (VLP) of mayaro virus by P pastoris and baculovirus expression systems FAPESP #: 2014/50133-0 |
The call for proposals is available at: