First SPRINT call has nine selected proposals Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces the result of the first call for proposals for the SPRINT - São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration, a strategy designed to encourage and promote the advancement of scientific research through the engagement of researchers affiliated with research institutions in the State of São Paulo with researcher partners abroad.
The objective of the call is to promote the engagement of researchers affiliated to institutions of higher education and research in the State of São Paulo in partnership with researchers abroad in order to: further develop qualitatively the ongoing research projects; and work cooperatively aiming the elaboration of joint research projects of medium and long term.
FAPESP will provide the selected proposals with funds for travel (air tickets), health insurance and living allowances for researchers from the State of São Paulo that will visit the partner institution.
Selected proposals:
Pesquisador |
Projeto |
Fernando Ribeiro Gomes Inna Sokolova |
Effects of extreme seasonality on metabolism and immunity of amphibians in a tropical semi-arid zone Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50643-8 |
Rafael Henrique Nobrega Manfred Scharlt |
The role of AMH signaling on medaka sex differentiation and gametogenesis Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50602-0 |
Celso Moura Rebello Willian Tarnow-Mordi |
A workshop in San Paulo to plan an international cluster crossover randomised trial of the comparative effectiveness of two probiotics in preventin necrotizing enterocolitis in neonatalintensive care units Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50639-0 |
Fabio Santos de Lyra Paulo Ferreira |
A multicultural project to investigate the relationship between obesity, physical activity, and low back pain Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50672-8 |
Lais Helena Camacho Navarro Manuela Ferreira |
Cardiovascular complications of surgery for musculoskeletal conditions Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50674-0 |
Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa Universidade Cidade de São Paulo - Unicid Christopher G. Maher University of Sydney |
Efficacy of the McKenzie method in patients with chronic no-specific low back pain: a randomised placebo controlled trial Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50638-4 |
Valmor Roberto Mastelaro Dorian Hanaor |
Surface structures in doped perovskite ceramics Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50641-5 |
Alexandre da Costa Pereira Christine Seidman |
Molecular genetics of inherited cardiomyopathies Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50582-9 |
Edilamar Menezes de Oliveira Michael Ian Phillips |
A new therapeutic approach to arterial repair and regeneration by exercise training and micrornas targeted to vasorin Nº do processo FAPESP: 2014/50673-4 |
The call for proposals is published at: