Marta Arretche Versão em português
General Coordinator – Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Marta Arretche is full professor of the Departament of Political Science at the University of São Paulo and Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies, one of the FAPESP CEPIDs. She was editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Political Science Review (2012-8) and vice-provost for research at USP (2016-8). She got her BA in Social Science from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, her master degree on Political Science from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, and her PhD in Social Sciences from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. She has been visiting fellow at the Massachussets Institute of Technology (EUA) and the European University Institute, in Firenze.
She published Paths of Inequality: a half-century of changes (Springer, 2018); Inequality and Governance in the Metropolis; Place Equality Regimes and Fiscal Choices in Eleven Countries, co-edited with Sellers, J; Kübler, D.; Razin, E. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); Trajetórias das Desigualdades: como o Brasil mudou nos últimos 50 anos (Ed. UNESP, 2015); Democracia, Federalismo e centralização no Brasil (Editora FioCruz, 2013) e Estado Federativo e Políticas Sociais: Determinantes da Descentralização (Ed. Revan, 2000) , besides several articles on inequality, federalism, decentralization and public policy.