FAPESP and NERC will support research in Sustainable Gas Futures Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) are inviting research proposals under a new “Sustainable Gas Futures” call.
This call is supported by the UK through the Newton Fund and is only open to joint UK-Brazil applications.
NERC will provide up to £1,000,000.00 of funding to eligible UK-based researchers and São Paulo partner organizations will match this with equivalent research effort to eligible researchers associated to research and institutions in the State of São Paulo.
Due to the available budget it is expected that one consortium project (Case for Support) with a duration of three years be funded. Successful projects are expected to start no later than 1 April 2016.
For each proposal, the “Case for Support” must have a PI in the UK and one or more PI´s in the State of São Paulo.
Each PI in the state of Sao Paulo must submit a research proposal to FAPESP under one of the funding lines offered in the Call: Thematic, Young Investigator, SPEC. Applicants in the State of São Paulo must note that the usual requirements for eligibility apply.
Proposals will be received until November 10, 2015, 16:00 (GMT)
The call for proposals is available at: