FAPESP announce result of call for proposals with AstraZeneca and MedImmune Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announce the result of a call for research proposals with AstraZeneca/MedImmune. One proposal was selected.
The duration of selected the project will be of up to 36 months.
The call was open to interested researchers working within public or private higher education or research institutions in the State of São Paulo.
Selected proposal:
Researcher |
Title |
José Eduardo Krieger FAPESP grant: 2015/50216-5 |
Caracterização da população ideal de células cardíacas derivadas de HIPSC para a regeneração cardíaca após infarto do miocárdico |
The call for research proposals is available at:
Page updated on 10/20/2015 - Published on 10/20/2015