FAPESP and NIH announce new research opportunity Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announce a new collaborative research opportunity.
Applications must be collaborations between researchers in the U.S. and researchers associated to higher education and research organizations in the State of São Paulo.
The call for proposals is issued in coordination with the “Notice of Information from the NIH: Parallel Funding Initiative for Collaborative Research Between Investigators in the USA and in the State of São Paulo, Brazil”.
The two funding agencies intend to jointly support successful R01 (NIH) – Thematic Grants (FAPESP) applications to the NIH that fall within research areas of mutual interest, including single disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches and topics.
Proposals will be handled by FAPESP following the norms and regulations for Thematic Grants ( except when explicitly specified in the call for proposals guidelines.
The areas of interest include the mission areas of the participating NIH institutes and centers.
Applicants should send a summary of the proposed project (such as the abstract for the NIH application) to FAPESP and obtain a letter from FAPESP declaring their eligibility at least four weeks prior to submission of the application to NIH.
The application for the NIH must include information that the principal investigator from the State of São Paulo was considered eligible by FAPESP.
For each approved research project, NIH will assume the funding of researchers from the USA and FAPESP will assume the funding of the research teams from the State of São Paulo State.
Proposals must be submitted in accordance with standard NIH receipt dates and procedures. Standard receipt dates for new grant applications are February 5, June 5, and October 5.
The call for proposals is published at: