DFG Versão em português

An agreement between FAPESP and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) funds activities such as joint research projects conducted by scientists, students or research groups in Brazil and Germany, as well as exchange activities that lay the foundation for the development of cooperative research projects or promote the mobility of young scientists.
Cooperation agreement (in Portuguese) - Signed on September 21, 2006
3rd Amendment (in Portuguese) - Valid until August 16, 2026
2nd Amendment (in Portuguese) - Valid until August 16, 2021
1st Amendment (in Portuguese) - Valid until August 16, 2016
1. Continuous submission
Joint DFG/FAPESP Research Grant Proposals (pdf file) | Selected proposals
(for Regular Research Awards: specific guidelines for researchers in São Paulo - in Portuguese) -
Joint DFG/FAPESP Coordinated Programmes (pdf file) | Selected proposals
(for Thematic Projects: specific guidelines for researchers in São Paulo - in Portuguese) -
Joint DFG/FAPESP Research Grant Proposals (valid until November 2016) | Selected proposals
2. Call for proposals
Call for proposals Joint Workshops 2017 | Selected proposals
Call for proposals 2012 | No proposals were selected
Call for proposals 2007 (in Portuguese) | Selected proposals
Call for proposals 2006 (in Portuguese) | No proposals were selected
More information about the agreement:
Study reveals essential role of sympathetic nerves in muscle health (Agência FAPESP, 02/22/2017)
"Basic research can prevent subjugation of people by machines" (Agência FAPESP, 01/04/2017)
Research projects selected in joint calls with FAPESP