Newton Fund Versão em português

The Newton Fund is part of the UK’s official development assistance. Its aim is to develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of partner countries.
Respecting the ODA criteria, the fund expects to invest £375 million (£75 million per year, for five years, from 2014/15) in several programs that will cover complete research and mobility projects and research training in 15 countries. Partner institutions in those countries will also fund the selected research projects. The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is a partner in Brazil.
The Newton Fund is implemented by delivery partners such as the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the British Council, the UK Academies, Innovate UK, the Royal Society and Met Office. Wishing to launch funding opportunities for researchers in the State of São Paulo, FAPESP has stablished cooperation agreements with some of these institutions, as described below, sometimes including Confap in the Brazilian side.
Memorandum of Understanding between FAPESP and UKRI - signed on September 15, 2009.
Call for proposals UKRI - FAPESP:
Call FAPESP-NERC-CONICET-CONICYT-CONCYTEC-Fundo Newton: Latin American Biodiversity Research projects selected in joint calls with FAPESP
Call UK - São Paulo/Brazil: Neglected Infectious Diseases Joint Centre Partnerships | Selected proposals
Call BBSRC-FAPESP Joint Pump-Priming Awards for Anti-Microbial Resistance - AMR and Insect Pest Resistance in Agriculture - 2017 (Selected proposals in 1st stage | Selected proposals in 2nd stage)
Call "Understanding and Sustaining Brazilian Biome Resources" - 2015 | Selected proposals
Memorandum of understanding between FAPESP, Newton Fund and CONFAP - Signed on April 9, 2014, and valid for 3 years | First addendum to the memorandum - Signed in April 2017.
Call for proposals UKRI - FAPESP - CONFAP:
Call “MRC-CONFAP for Health Systems Research Networks” - 2017 (with the Medical Research Council) | Selected proposals
Call “Healthy Urban Living and the Social Science of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus” - 2015 (with the Economic and Social Research Council) | Selected proposal
Call “UK-Brazil Neglected Infectious Diseases Partnership” - 2015 (with the Medical Research Council) | Selected proposal
Call “Virtual Joint Centres in Agricultural Nitrogen” - 2015 (with the BBSRC - Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council) | Selected proposal
Call “RCUK - CONFAP Research Partnerships” - 2014 | Selected proposals
Memorandum of understanding between FAPESP and the British Council - Signed on June 17, 2013, and valid for five years.
Call for proposals FAPESP - British Council:
FAPESP / ANII / Newton Fund (UK) Researcher Links Workshops 2016/2017 | Selected proposals
Researcher Links (BNRL) 2nd Call - Workshop 2015 | Selected proposals
Call for proposals FAPESP - British Council - Regional LATAM:
Newton Fund Institutional Links - Biodiversity in Latin America 2018 | No proposals were selected
Newton Fund LATAM Biodiversity - Regional Researcher Links Workshops | Selected proposal
Newton Fund LATAM Biodiversity - Researcher Links Travel Grants | Selected proposals
Cooperation agreement between FAPESP and the British Council as a delivery partner for the Newton Fund in Brazil - Signed on April 23, 2015, and valid for 5 years.
Newton Fund Impact Scheme 2019-20 (in Portuguese) | No proposals were selected
Researcher Links (BNRL) - Workshop 2019 (in Portuguese) | Selected proposals
Researcher Links (BNRL) - Workshop 2018 (in Portuguese) | Selected proposals
Call Researcher Connect 2018 (in Portuguese) | Selected proposals
Call Newton Fund Institutional Links 2017 | Selected proposal
Researcher Links (BNRL) - Workshop 2017 | Selected proposals
Researcher Links (BNRL) 1st call - Workshop 2015 | Selected proposals
Memorandum of understanding between FAPESP and the Royal Academy of Engineering - signed in May 2016, and valid for five years.
Call for the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme (LIF) - 2019 (in Portuguese)
Call for the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme (LIF) - 2018 (in Portuguese) | Resultado
Call for the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme (LIF) - 2017 (in Portuguese) | Selected proposals
Memorandum of understanding between FAPESP, Newton Fund, UK Academies and CONFAP - Signed on September 23, 2014, and valid for 3 years.
Call for proposals with the British academies Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering and Royal Society:
In return for the annual call for proposals in partnership with the UK Academies, in which the visits of British researchers to Brazil are supported, the British academies annually promote the Newton Advanced Fellowships annual call.
Researchers approved for visits to the UK in previous editions: