
BIOEN Workshop on Synthetic Biology

9:00 Opening
9:30 Ben Hankamer (Solar Biofuel Consortium, University of Brisbane, Australia)  
The economics, technical challenges and advances of microalgal biofuel production
10:00 Nitin Baliga (Institute for Systems Biology, USA)  
Multiscale models for redirecting evolution
10:30 Rubens Maciel (Escola de Engenharia, UNICAMP)  
A Computer Tool Based on Synthetic Biology Approach to Design Microorganisms and Bio-based Processes
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Andreas Gombert (Escola Politécnica, USP)  
Improvement of yeast strains for bioethanol production using a combination of metabolic and evolutionary engineering
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Harald Ruijssenaars (BIRD Engineering)  
Synthetic pathways for aromatics production from biobased feedstock
13:55 Todd Peterson (Life Technologies, USA)  
Genetic Synthesis and Assembly Tools for Synthetic Biology
14:20 Nathan Hillson (JBEI, Joint Bioenergy Institute, USA)  
johnny5: scar-less multi-part DNA assembly design automation
14:45 Ton van Maris (TU Delft, The Netherlands)  
Engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for efficient alcoholic fermentation of plant biomass hydrolysates.
15:10 Emile Van Zyl (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)  
Cellulosic ethanol: From revolutionary consolidated bioprocessing idea to proof of concept
15:35 Coffee break
16:00 Stevens Brumbley (University of Queensland, Australia)  
PHA accumulation in sugarcane plastids and peroxisome
16:25 Lars Nielsen (University of Queensland, Australia)
Genome-Scale Reconstruction of the Primary Metabolic Network in Plants
16:50 José Gregório Gomez (Escola de Engenharia, UNICAMP)  
Metabolic fluxes analysis and development of bacterial processes for bio-based products
17:15 Patricia Osseweijer (TU Delft, The Netherlands)  
Ethical and social issues in Synthetic Biology

Página atualizada em 29/11/2010 - Publicada em 06/10/2010