
BIOEN Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis

9:00 AM Opening
9:30 AM James Barber (Imperial College, United Kingdom)
Photosynthetic water splitting and the structure of PSII
10:15 AM James Sturgis (LISM/CNRS and University of the Mediterranean, France)  
Supramolecular structures of the photosynthetic apparatus in the thylakoid membrane, as studied by AFM and other methods
11:00 AM Coffee break
11:30 AM Marcos Buckeridge (BIOEN, Brazil)
Photosynthesis research being carried out by Bioen/Fapesp groups.
12:00 AM Munir Skaf (Unicamp, Brazil)  
Biophysical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
12:30 PM Henrique Toma (USP - São Paulo, Brazil)  
Supramolecular Chemistry for light capture and controlled energy and charge transfer
1:00 PM Lunch
2:30 PM Nathan Nelson (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Atomic structure of photosystems, as studied by high-resolution x-ray diffraction
3:15 PM René Nome (Unicamp, Brazil)  
Dynamics of energy transfer in the photosynthetic complexes, as studied by ultrafast optical spectroscopies
3:45 PM Coffee break
4:15 PM Paulo Miranda (USP - São Carlos)
Infrastructure for advanced optical spectroscopies in the state of São Paulo
4:45 PM Round Table - All Workshop Speakers
6:00 PM Closing Remarks

Página atualizada em 29/11/2010 - Publicada em 06/10/2010