FAPESP anuncia projetos selecionados na chamada SPRINT 4/2016 English version

A FAPESP anuncia o resultado da quarta chamada em 2016 do programa SPRINT - São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration.
A iniciativa visa promover o engajamento de pesquisadores vinculados a instituições de ensino superior e de pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo com pesquisadores parceiros no exterior, de modo que possam avançar qualitativamente em projetos em andamento e trabalhar em projetos conjuntos de médio e longo prazo.
A chamada foi lançada em cooperação com as seguintes instituições de ensino e pesquisa no exterior: Australian Technology Network of Universities, Brunel University London, Emory University, Heriot-Watt University, London School of Economics and Political Science, Lund University, University of Bath, University of Illinois, University of Miami, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, University of North Carolina – Charlotte e University of Queensland.
A chamada de propostas SPRINT 04/2016 está publicada em: .
Propostas selecionadas:
Study of the Chemical Variability of Brazilian Propolis by Mass Spectrometry with Isolation of Bioactive Compounds by Counter Current Chromatography | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50035-6 |
Acordo / Agreement | Brunel University |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland Sawaya |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Svetlana Ignatova |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | Brunel University |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Fac Ciências Farmacêuticas / UNICAMP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Impact of Organized Sports on Health Care Costs of Adolescents: ABCD Growth Study | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50026-7 |
Acordo / Agreement | Brunel University |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Romulo Araujo Fernandes |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Kwame Anokye |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | Brunel University |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Fac Ciências Tecnologia Presidente Prudente / UNESP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Neuroepigenetic mechanisms underlying intergenerational inheritance of negative emotional states | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50014-9 |
Acordo / Agreement | Emory University |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Newton Sabino Canteras |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Brian George Dias |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | Emory University |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion) gene polymorphisms frequency in patients with chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50042-2 |
Acordo / Agreement | Emory University |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Susane Kioko Ono |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Raymond Felix Schinazi |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | Emory University |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Medicina / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Low-Cost Aptamer-Based Capacitance Biosensors | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50043-9 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Bath |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Paulo Roberto Bueno |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Pedro Miguel de Lemos Correia Estrela |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Bath |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Inst Química Araraquara / UNESP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Exploring the limits of multimedia analysis | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50016-1 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Miami |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Tiago Fernandes Tavares |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Mitsunori Ogihara |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Miami |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação / UNICAMP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Identification of novel mediators of age-associated chronic inflammation and cancer development through targeted preteomics | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50031-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Miami |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Vitor Marcel Faça |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Claudia Oliveira Rodrigues |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Miami |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
The role of age-associated endothelial dysfunction in hematopoiesis | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50022-1 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Miami |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Ricardo Ambrosio Fock |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Claudia de Oliveira Rodrigues |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Miami |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Application of isotopic tracers to determine water residence times in multi-scale water management | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50038-5 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Didier Gastmans |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Troy E. Gilmore |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Centro de Estudos Ambientais / UNESP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Development of lignin active enzyme mixture to produce sugars from lignocellulosic biomass for production of fuels, chemicals and bio-based materials | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50025-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Fernando Segato |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Mark Wilkins |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Escola de Engenharia Lorena / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Integration of genomic resources in beef cattle breeding program – a collaborative effort between UNL and ESALQ | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50044-5 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Gerson Barreto Mourao |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Gota Morota |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Nebraska – Lincoln |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Improved machining performance through tool presetting and process dynamics modeling | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50019-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Milton Vieira Junior |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Tony Schimitz |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Univ Nove Julho campus Memorial / Uninove |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
The use of RNA-based nano formulations to improve the efficacy of breast cancer treatment and reduce therapy-induced cardiotoxicity | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50029-6 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Roger Chammas |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Kirill Afonin |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Medicina / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Effects of diet and diel lighting on expression of venom diversity in two species of tube dwelling anemone | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50028-0 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Sergio Nascimento Stampar |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Adam Reitzel |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Ciências e Letras Assis / UNESP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Molecular characterization and evolution of newly detected Australian and Brazilian dichorhaviruses andiIdentification of their Brevipalpus mite vectors | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50039-1 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Queensland |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Elliot Watanabe Kitajima |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Ralf George Dietzgen |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Queensland |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Escola Superior Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Linking landscape structure to ecosystem services | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50015-5 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Queensland |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Jean Paul Walter Metzger |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Jonathan Rhodes |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Queensland |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Instituto de Biociências / USP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |
Expression of genes and proteins related to meat quality in Bos indicus cattle | |
Processo / Grant number | 2017/50024-4 |
Acordo / Agreement | University of Queensland |
Pesq. Resp. / PI | Lucia Galvão de Albuquerque |
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad | Bem Hayes |
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad | University of Queensland |
Instit. sede / Host Institution | Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal / UNESP |
Assunto(s) / Subject | Projetos SPRINT |